Monday, October 26, 2015

Halt smoking

What is the Easiest Way to Quit Smoking?
Written by - Hannah Simmons
What does Matt Damon, Drew Barrymore, Ben Affleck, Charlize Theron, and Ellen DeGeneras all have in common? They quit smoking using hypnotherapy. Celebrities have discovered the effective results of hypnotherapy and have used it to conquer their own smoking habits.
Researchers at the University of Iowa combined more than 600 studies of smoking cessation programs involving 72,000 people from North America and Europe. Hypnosis was found to be over 3 times more effective than nicotine replacement therapy and 15 times more effective than quitting cold turkey.
A comparison study of smoking cessation treatments was conducted by North Shore Medical Center and Massachusetts General Hospital. 26 weeks after discharge, 50% of patients who received hypnotherapy exclusively were non-smokers compared to the 25% of patients who didn’t and only 16% of patients who used nicotine replacement therapy alone.
Types of Addiction
image-1 Smoking addiction is a combination of two types of addiction. There’s the physical addiction, then there is the mental, or psychological addiction. Although nicotine addiction is considered one of the strongest addictions, even more addictive than cocaine, the good news is that the physical side of things doesn’t last very long. In fact, some believe that you will lose the physical cravings for nicotine in as little as 3 days.
The real struggle for smokers is overcoming the mental addiction. The smoker has essentially trained their subconscious mind to make smoking an “automatic” behavior. These are the habits and rituals that a smoker has developed over the years such as smoking when they wake up, just before they go to sleep, after they eat, when they drive, when they drink coffee or alcohol, and so on.
How Hypnotherapy Helps You Quit
So what will hypnotherapy do? Rather than just treating the physical urges that are part of your smoking habit, hypnotherapy targets the subconscious drive behind the addiction, and breaks the positive associations with cigarettes that the mind has formed. This is replaced by an empowering, smoke-free perspective the hypnotist offers through verbal suggestions that deem smoking as something undesirable – or unnecessary – to do. Gradually, these suggestions take hold and diminish the smoker’s impulse to smoke. Furthermore, hypnotherapy is considered to be a far more safe and natural method to quit smoking with and is non-habit forming. This cannot be said about most of the stop smoking aids we currently have on the market.
But going to a hypnotist can be expensive. As much as $200 per one hour session, and requiring as many as 5 sessions for the entire treatment. If you’re a celebrity like the ones mentioned earlier, then this isn’t a problem. But can the average smoker afford to go to a hypnotherapist? Well, that question is left to the individual, but consider that a pack a day smoker will spend in excess of $2000 a year on cigarettes, not even including the increased cost of life and health insurance, and doesn’t include the drastic cut in your ability to earn.

Quit Smoking
with Hypnotherapy for Free

Modern Health Central has found a way for you to
quit smoking for free.
Comments are closed
Carl G.Feb 12, 2014
Quitting smoking is SO HARD – I’ve been smoking since I was 14 years old. My wife and kids can’t stand it and my smoking gives my wife headaches. She’s pregnant right now and I’ve been trying to quit for her and the new baby coming our way. Finally tried hypnotherapy after seeing stuff about it online and doing all the other quit smoking methods and I’ve been smoke-free for a few months now. It gets easier the more I listen to the CD.
Jim J.Feb 12, 2014
Are people really quitting smoking with hypnotherapy? Seems difficult to believe just listening to someone telling you smoking is bad for you is simply going to work.
Marco S. Feb 12, 2014
I suffered chronic bronchitis, asthma, and other respiratory problems due to smoking for so long. I’ve tried e-cigs and patches repeatedly and they never stuck. My doc told me I was heading for lunch cancer if I wasn’t able to quit so hypnotherapy was a last resort. I didn’t believe it would work for the same reason you said, Jim. So I am amazed right now that it’s actually keeping me off the cigarettes. I’ve only been off cigs for 3 months, but the urge to smoke is definitely not as strong as it used to be.
Zadie S. Feb 13, 2014
Me too. I’ve tried patches, meds, e-cigs, and all of them were a hassle to deal with and eventually cost more than they were worth. I’m looking for a cheaper alternative that ACTUALLY works. Don’t think that is likely, but I want to check out CD. It’s free and I’m willing to have a go at it. Seems less of a hassle too.
Mae J. Feb 14, 2014
I, for one, can’t deal with patches. Maybe I’m overly sensitive, but patches constantly made me nauseated and e-cigs always tasted funny to me – and I felt like I looked silly smoking them. A friend sent me this link the other day and I just ordered my CD. Crossing my fingers.
Lizz E. Feb 14, 2014
I’ve tried hypnotherapy and it worked for me! My cravings for nicotine always won...I’m not into patches or e-cigs so going cold turkey was my go-to method. Cold turkey is BRUTAL though. Just tried hypnotherapy randomly and the biggest difference I see is that my cravings and urge to smoke a cigarette is much less than while I was a smoker. I consider that a miracle. I feel more in control.
Lori F. Feb 15, 2014
Hypnotherapy helped with my cigarette addiction. I listen to it every night and have been slowly weaning off the habit. I used to feel like I NEEDED to smoke, but it now feels more and more like an option I can push aside. Not only that, I have saved SO MUCH money from not having to buy more cigarettes. It’s only now that I’m on my way to quit smoking that I realized how much money I drained keeping up the habit.
Marcie A. Feb 16, 2014
I’ve tried to quit smoking at least a dozen times and I’ve always relapsed. It helps with my anxiety the most. Quitting is just so hard, and honestly, I sometimes don’t even want to quit.
Josh M. Feb 16, 2014
I hear you. Whenever I try to quit my anxiety rages back and I gain weight. It’s like I have to choose a lesser evil –destroy my lungs or be a chubby basketcase? I’m at my wit’s end. I’m going to try hypnotherapy out even if it does sound too good to be true.
Josh M. Feb 18, 2014
My doc said lung cancer can be a very real scenario for me if I didn’t quit soon – they are in such bad shape. That scared me straight. It’s my wake up call. I always heard about lung cancer being related to smoking, but never really accepted it. Smoking just felt too good to give up. I can’t afford to think like that anymore and I feel like I need a mental/attitude change for quitting the habit to be successful. I’m hoping hypnotherapy will work.
Marla T. Feb 18, 2014
Hypnotherapy has helped be kill a habit that was about to kill me. Really. I obviously can’t speak for everyone who has tried it, but after going through surgery to remove cancerous growth in my lungs, I was willing to try anything to help me quit. I haven’t had a cigarette for a year and half and I hope hypnotherapy can keep this going.
Grace H. Feb 18, 2014
Wow, I’m sorry to hear that. If hypnotherapy is working for you thus far, keep using it. I wish you the best.
Randy F. Feb 22, 2014
My family and friends are almost all non-smokers and hanging out with them usually means them jokingly, and not-so-jokingly tell me to quit smoking ALL the time. I can tell they really dislike having to breathe any second-hand smoke (even though I try to be considerate and smoke outside whenever possible). My willpower to quit was always weak and brief, though. My wife suggested hypnotherapy because she has a friend who does that for her anxiety issues and even though I laughed at the suggestion at first, I tried it out. I’m amazed to say it does work! At least for me it does. I no longer need to smoke or feel weak-willed about it. My wife is loving it and so are the rest of my family and friends.
Greg P. Feb 23, 2014
That’s awesome, Randy! My wife also really hates my smoking habit and my kids like to hide my cigarette packs when I come home from work. I keep promising to quit, but never successfully have been able to do it. Makes me feel really guilty. I’m skeptical about hypnotherapy, but seeing how there seems to be a few people that had success with it, I’m willing to give it a try.
Randy F. Feb 23, 2014
You should, Greg. I don’t know if it differs from person to person, but it really made a difference to how much control I feel now over choosing not to smoke. I hope you get the same success as I did!
Cynthia R. Feb 25, 2014
Hypnotherapy is the one-stop quit smoking therapy you will ever need. It works. Period. I wish I knew about this before I went through all the other quit smoking junk that’s on the market. Would have saved me a whole lot of time, money, and side effects. I can’t recommend it enough.
Amy C. Feb 26, 2014
Hmm...really? I’m really sick and tired of other stop smoking aids too. I’m pretty convinced there isn’t anything out there that can really make you quit least for me. Maybe I’ll try this. At least it’s free.
Cynthia R. Feb 26, 2014
Amy, seriously, just try it. Wouldn’t hurt to try. Your health, wallet, clothes, and house might thank you for it. Mine did. Being free from nicotine dependency is something I wouldn’t trade for anything else in this world...well, most things

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

20 Realities Of Being A Husband

20 Realities Of Being A Husband

Posted: Updated:

By Jesse Costello

First off, buyer beware: these are not so much "brutal" truths as they are reality checks for men who wonder how things really are on the other side of the matrimonial fence.
This isn't my secret journal (I don't think), and my wife will likely see this, as might her friends and family, so I won't be divulging any lurid insights for the sake of a few more shares on social media.

What I've attempted to do is thoughtfully represent the manly side of being a husband, from the perspective of a guy who's been happily married for five years and has a toddler to show for it. Your mileage may vary.

1. You end up talking about poop way more than you ever expected. Between dogs and babies, up to 80 percent of your conversations in any given day center around which family member pooped, how frequently, and the exact consistency of said poop.
2. Even the best relationships will bend under the strain of money. Who's making it, who's not, who's making more. Should you be in the male half of a relationship and pulling in less bread, you'll feel twice as bad. However, I can still reach higher shelves, so there's that.
3. No matter how perfect your wife is, you'll find things wrong with her. These will be tiny things. Don't tell her about these things, because she knows lots of tiny things wrong with you and has the class and restraint not to share them.
4. She will continue to ask for foot rubs. The good news is, an average of one five-minute foot massage every six months is absolutely sufficient, according to a recent United Nations Security Council ruling.
5. Do some cooking. What is this, the 50s? Learn to cook, man! The bar is set very low for our gender, so if you know your way around a cookbook, you'll never need six-pack abs.
6. Cook together, if possible. Watch Like Water For Chocolate to learn how cooking with your spouse can be a very sexy endeavor. At the end, there might even be lovemaking. (Yes, you have to call it lovemaking after mutual meal preparation.)
7. Not all of her underwear is the sexiest thing you've ever seen, but never mention this. She has comfy underwear, she has cotton underwear, she has "time of the month" underwear, and so on. But before you throw underwear stones, consider your own underwear game. Yeah, let that embarrassment hit you like a wave and then go offer an apology in the form of a five-minute foot rub.
8. And the same goes for pajamas and general bedtime clothing. The exception to this rule is if you purchase something sexy and present it as a gift. That's a good loophole and a win for everybody.
9. The decrease in sex is 50 percent your fault. Sex frequency declines, especially after there's a kid in the picture, but half of this problem is absolutely your fault. Effort beyond blind groping in the dark is usually rewarded handsomely.
10. After your kid is born, the boobs are off-limits. Your wife's breasts will never be as big and bountiful as they are post-childbirth, and she will never be as disinterested in you touching them. You must learn to appreciate them from afar, like a priceless museum piece that you just want to suck on.
11. Being married is better than being single. Your single life wasn't as exciting as you think it was. You spent most of your time leaving bars, drunk and alone. It's helpful to go out with single friends every now and then to remind yourself of that fact.
12. She's probably not thinking about sex as much as you are. But she's definitely thinking about chores that haven't been done and errands that haven't been run, so if you do those chores and run those errands, sex is almost certainly next on her to-do list. Probably. I've never tested this theory.
13. She won't like all of your male friends. Don't try to defend the one she really doesn't like, because she's right. He actually is a jackass.
14. She won't like all of your female friends. She'll be jealous of pre-existing female friends, of course, but don't expect to introduce a new female friend into the picture without accepting, and being accepting of, the kind of scrutiny usually reserved for Iran's nuclear ambitions.
15. You won't have the same parenting styles. No matter how eye-to-eye you see in matters of life, a real, live child forces you to put into practice all sorts of untested theories about what it means to raise an ethical human being. Not all of them are correct. Your wife will probably do things you suspect will irreparably harm your child later in life, but it may take decades to bear out that suspicion. In the meantime, relax.
16. Going out and getting drunk with your friends gets less cute as you get older. And it's almost not cute at all when you have a kid. There's a proven scientific amount of alcohol that will make you horny, insanely complimentary, and predisposed to foot rubs, so figure out what that amount is for you, and thank me later.
17. She doesn't want to hear that you find another woman attractive. No matter how strong your relationship is. Unless it's her mom. You can compliment her mom. But for god's sakes, not her sister.
18. Kick her out of the house every now and again. There's a certain type of wonderful wife who's so dedicated to her child and matters domestic that she'll forget to take some time to hang out with her friends. Remind her that she always feels better after a night out, and when she's gone, you can pretend to be a carefree, unattached guy who does what he wants. Unless you have a child. In that case, maybe just enjoy some light reading.
19. Going to bed at the same time does wonders for your relationship. It's tempting to stay up late and watch all the crap on the DVR she doesn't care about, but Drunk History will always be there tomorrow. There's no rule that says you can't dream about Derek Waters while you happily spoon your wife.
20. Remember why you signed up for this thing in the first place. There's almost no disagreement, bad day or horribly mismanaged dinner preparation that cannot be improved upon by kissing your wife and saying, "I love you." If not, try a foot rub. Those things work like gangbusters, man.
This article originally appeared on YourTango. Also check out a woman's guide to marriage and being a wife.

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Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The 10 Best Herbs for Lung Cleansing

Our lungs are capable of incredible feats. After all, they are vital body parts. The average adult can take in as much as 6 litres of air and breathe a total of 11,000 litres every day. Besides being able to inflate and deflate like balloons, the internal surface of the lungs can stretch up to 100 square meters when fully expanded. Fun facts aside, the lungs function to absorb oxygen from the air we breathe so that our body could make use of it. Without oxygen, we couldn’t possibly survive!

It’s quite unfortunate that our lungs are so easily abused. Smokers expose their lungs to tar and thousands of toxic chemicals with their bad habit. Even people who don’t smoke unknowingly inhale poisonous fumes, radioactive gases, and other pollutants. Lucky for you, there are natural ways to undo damage done to your lungs and restore them to a healthier state.

Here are the 10 best herbs for lung cleansing.

1. Oregano

Oregano is a popular herb used for cooking. It belongs to the mint family and has this minty flavor and aroma that goes well with certain foods.

How it works: Whenever dust, molds, pollen, and toxic gases get into your lungs, your body releases histamine to prevent them from doing any more damage. But as a result, your body develops either allergies or allergy-like symptoms. You start sneezing and coughing, produce more mucus than usual, develop nasal congestion, and have difficulty breathing. Oregano can help reduce the severity of these symptoms because it has rosmarinic acid – a natural antihistamine. The herb also contains thymol, terpenes, and carvacrol which can effectively eradicate fungi and different types of bacteria from your lungs.

In addition to its antihistamine, antibacterial, and fungicidal benefits, oregano is a natural decongestant. Research by the ENT Department of the Israel Institute of Technology discovered that oregano – along with other aromatic herbs – improved airflow along the nasal passages. Oregano can therefore assist in clearing out your lungs of any excess mucus.

How to cleanse your lungs: Cook oregano with food. The aroma it gives off while cooking acts as a decongestant. Oregano can be prepared fresh or dry depending on your taste. You can also add a few drops of oregano oil in your milk, tea, or juice at least once a day to detoxify your lungs.

2. Mullein

The flowering plant has long been employed as an herbal remedy for respiratory ailments including asthma, pneumonia, and tuberculosis. Austrians traditionally took it as tea or added it to ointments and baths for external use. Today, extracts are often derived from its flowers and leaves to create herbal medicine. But you can still use mullein in more practical ways to cleanse your lungs.
How it works: Mullein is a natural expectorant. It contains saponins which break down mucus in the lungs and airways and reduces nasal congestion. The demulcent effects of the plant are also noteworthy. It has soothing properties which effectively calm irritated lungs and airways caused by exposure to air impurities.

How to cleanse your lungs: Prepare mullein as tea by adding 1 to 2 tsps. of dried flowers and/or leaves to a cup of boiling water. Steam the herb for 10 minutes then strain before drinking. It is also recommended that you inhale the steam once tea has been prepared, as this can help with nasal congestion. Another way to use mullein for lung cleansing is to smoke it. While smoking is usually bad for the lungs, this herb is an exception – it soothes and stops coughs.

3. Osha Root

Osha is a plant you rarely get to hear about, yet it is one of the most powerful lung detoxifiers you can imagine. It grows on the high mountains of northwest Mexico and the Rocky Mountains of Canada. Native Americans living in these areas were among the first to discover its medicinal properties. They used it for treating colds, cough, and other respiratory problems. In modern day, its roots are common ingredients in cough drops and lozenges because of their soothing effects.
How it works: Osha root contains oils that are essential for lung cleansing. Among its detoxifying ingredients are camphor, terpenes, saponins, phytosterols, and ferulic acid. Osha root promotes the expectoration of mucus from the lungs and sinuses while protecting you from respiratory infections. It also increases blood flow in the lungs which improves their overall health function. Osha root has antihistamine properties which are useful against asthma and other respiratory problems triggered by allergen exposure. If you have irritated airways or a sore throat, this herb can give you relief.

How to cleanse your lungs: Prepare an infusion by adding 1 to 2 tsps. of cut or crushed Osha root to 1 cup of boiling water. Steam for at least 25 minutes and drink as tea.

4. Lungwort

Also known as pulmonaria, this herb couldn’t be any more obvious on its lung cleansing benefits. It is a flowering plant that resembles lung tissue, hence its name. Lungwort has been used as a remedy for respiratory problems since the 1600s – a practice that persists today.
How it works: Lungwort acts by increasing the production of serous mucus in the air passages. This thins out phlegm and makes it easier to expectorate. Besides clearing out mucus, lungwort is known to remove accumulated tar from the lungs, throat, and airways. Smokers who want to quit smoking would greatly benefit from this herb. People suffering from bronchitis, asthma, and respiratory diseases that constrict the airways can benefit from lungwort as well due to its anti-inflammatory effects.

Studies have shown that the herb is equally beneficial for relieving irritated air passages. Further research proves that it helps fight bacteria and viruses which may cause respiratory infection. The protective qualities of lungwort can be attributed to its high levels of antioxidants, namely phenolic compounds.

How to cleanse your lungs: Lungwort is best taken as tea. You can prepare your own by mixing 1 to 2 tsps. of dried lungwort leaves to 1 cup of boiling water. Let the infusion sit for a couple of minutes. Drink 1 cup three times a day to cleanse your lungs.

5. Licorice Root

We’re not talking about licorice sticks. You know – that sweet candy we love to snack on. We’re talking about licorice, the plant from which this delectable treat is sourced from. You see, licorice root is not just an ingredient used to make sweets. It’s also one of the best herbs for lung detoxification.

How it works: Licorice root is well-known for its sweet flavor. While most herbs on this list rely on a minty flavor to provide relief, licorice root gives a similar effect behind a sweet punch! This herb effectively relieves throat and lung irritation caused by ailments like sore throat, dry cough, and allergen exposure.

You can very well expect licorice root to act as an expectorant during lung cleansing. It loosens up phlegm so it is easier to expel. It even has antibiotic properties, killing bacteria and viruses and preventing respiratory infection. Licorice root is also bronchodilator; meaning it makes breathing easier for people experiencing difficulties. Thus, it may be used to treat asthma and bronchitis.

How to cleanse your lungs: Licorice tea is very soothing. You can make some by adding 1 tsp. of crushed licorice root to a cup of boiling water and letting it steep. Drink the tea at least 3 times a day.

6. Thyme

Surprised? Thyme may be a common kitchen herb, but like Oregano, it can detoxify your lungs. The evergreen plant has had many uses since ancient times, although its lung cleansing effects weren’t discovered until recently.

How it works: Thyme leaves contain a potent detoxifying agent known as thymol – a naturally occurring substance with antiseptic effects. Thymol is so good at fighting microbes that it is commonly the active ingredient in mouthwashes. Thyme cleanses the lungs and airways by removing bacteria, viruses, or fungi. This makes it particularly useful against respiratory infections including pneumonia, bronchitis, influenza, and the usual coughs and colds. Additionally, thyme may be used to remedy nasal and lung congestion. That’s because it thins out phlegm for effortless expulsion.
How to cleanse your lungs: Add fresh or dried thyme leaves to a pot of boiling water. Let it sit for two minutes and drink as tea. You can have at least 2 to 3 cups of thyme tea for lung detox. But if you’re fighting a respiratory infection, it is advised that you drink a cup for every hour until you are fully recovered. Inhaling the steam from freshly boiled thyme leaves is also beneficial for relieving congestion.

7. Coltsfoot

Don’t let its toxicity scare you. When taken properly, this perennial herb can do wonders for your lungs. Coltsfoot leaves were used in ancient times as a treatment for colds, flu, cough, and other respiratory problems. It has been a part of Ancient Greek, Native American, and traditional Austrian medicine long before people started using it to cleanse their lungs.
Coltsfoot is also an effective treatment for the smoker’s lungs.
How it works: Coltsfoot assists in the recovery from smoker’s lungs by removing accumulated tar. For everyone else, it loosens up mucus and acts as an expectorant, clearing the lungs and air passages and easing congestion. Coltsfoot also has soothing effects because of its mucilage, which makes it excellent for the relief of sore throat and dry cough. It can be used as a remedy for asthma, bronchitis, pertussis, flu, coughs, colds, and pneumonia.
How to cleanse your lungs: Coltsfoot leaves are the typical choice for lung cleansing. However, its flowers are more potent. You can use both the leaves and flowers of this plant to create a tea that will detoxify your lungs. For best results, mix 1 part of coltsfoot leaves and/or flowers with 2 parts mullein and 1 part uva ursi. Add 1 tsp. of this mixture to a cup of boiling water and steep for 10 minutes before drinking. Drink the tea at least once a day.

8. Indian Tobacco

It’s not really tobacco but rather, a common name for a flowering plant that is now used for lung cleansing. Also known as Lobelia Inflata, the herb grows only once or twice a year in its native territory – North America. Native Americans are no stranger to the medicinal benefits of this attractive herb. They have used it to treat respiratory diseases and other illnesses long before we started using it to detoxify our lungs.

How it works: Lobeline is an alkaloid and the main component behind the Indian tobacco’s lung benefits. It promotes the expulsion of phlegm by loosening and thinning mucus found in the lungs and air passages. Lobeline opens up the airways since it is a bronchodilator. The herb stimulates the release of epinephrine which promotes easier breathing.

Lobelia Inflata is especially useful for asthma, bronchitis, and other Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPDs). But its antispasmodic effects make it an effective remedy for croup and laryngitis. It is also commonly used as a cold remedy.

Ironically, Indian tobacco may be used to prevent tobacco withdrawal in people who want to quit smoking.

How to cleanse your lungs: Add 5 to 10 leaves of Indian tobacco in boiling water. Inhale the steam for at least 10 minutes, 2X a day to cleanse your lungs.

9. Elecampane

Elecampane has a multitude of medicinal benefits. Traditional medicine employs this flowering herb as a remedy for advanced lung diseases like tuberculosis, although it is also used for more common respiratory ailments. In traditional Chinese and Indian Ayurvedic practice, it is often prescribed for asthma and bronchitis.

How it works: Elecampane roots contain sesquiterpene lactones which have antiseptic and soothing benefits. By eliminating the cause of respiratory infection and relieving irritated airways and lungs, it can effectively treat coughs and colds. Elecampane also functions to eliminate toxins from the respiratory tract, which is why it is used to treat tuberculosis, asthma, and emphysema. Furthermore, the herb contains inulin which, apart from soothing irritated passages, acts as an expectorant and expels mucus.

How to cleanse your lungs: Ground elecampane roots and add a teaspoon to a cup of water. The roots must be acquired from a plant not older than two or three years to detoxify your lungs. For non-threatening respiratory ailments like flu, coughs, and colds, drink it as tea 3 times a day until symptoms subside. If you have a more serious condition like tuberculosis, you can drink elecampane tea for up to 3 months. To relieve congestion, boil the roots and inhale its vapor for a few minutes. Elecampane roots have an odor similar to camphor – a known remedy for nasal congestion.

10. Plantain Leaf

Plantain leaves are often part of traditional delicacies in tropical regions of the world. But like everything else on this list, it is one of the best herbs for lung cleansing. For hundreds of years the plantain leaf was used to treat common respiratory disorders. It was even considered as one of the 9 sacred herbs in Anglo-Saxon medicine. The medicinal properties of plantain leaves are still applied today, as it is a popular choice for lung detoxification.
How it works: Studies show that plantain leaf contains pectin and glycerin, two common ingredients found in lozenges and cough syrups. They give plantain leaf the ability to act as a demulcent that creates a soothing film over irritated airways and stimulates the production of mucus. The herb can therefore be used for the relief of dry cough and other respiratory discomforts. But that’s not all. Plantain leaf also has antimicrobial, antitoxin, and anti-inflammatory properties which are essential in fighting and preventing respiratory infection.

How to cleanse your lungs: Make tea by brewing 1 to 2 plantain leaves in a cup of boiling water. Or, you can simply eat a boiled Plantain fruit. Continue ingesting the fruit or tea for 2 to 3 months or until your symptoms are gone.