Thursday, February 25, 2010

12 foods that are worth the organic splurge

12 foods that are worth the organic splurge
by Sarah McColl, Shine staff, on Tue Feb 16, 2010 5:52am PST 69 Comments Post a

Comment Read More from This Author » Report Abuse As compelling as it may be to only buy free-range beef and fair trade coffee, who can afford it? You want to do the right thing for your health and the planet, but your budget begs otherwise. In terms of long-term costs to your health, though, there are some fruits and veggies that are always worth the organic splurge. The dirty dozen below have the highest levels of pesticides when grown conventionally. The thin skins on many of them make it easy for pesticides to penetrate to the food and impossible for us to wash away the chemicals. Opt for USDA certified organics of these foods and you're ensuring your salad wasn't raised using man-made chemical pesticides, fossil fuel- or sewage-based fertilizers or genetically-modified seeds.

sweet bell peppers
grapes (imported)

Let's say you're looking at this list feeling totally daunted because these are the only fruits and vegetables you buy. A good compromise is to hit up your local farmer's market where the prices are often lower than the grocery store, and the farmers raise their crops using organic methods but don't opt to go through the costly and lengthy organic certification process. Ask them how they raise their apples. No spray? Then ask for their best apple pie recipe.

And whether you buy organic or not, always remember to give your food a good wash before eating or cooking with it!

Get more tips on a healthy, happy life on Real-Life Makeover:

Make over my kids' lunch!
Make the most of your daily life

Affordable kitchen tools to simplify your life
10 ways to make over your relationship with food
Photo credit: Getty Images
Related: vegetables, pesticides, organic, fruit, fossil fuel, farmer's market, chemicals. fossil fuel., chemicals.

Primary Care Physicans

10 Things Primary-Care Physicians Won't Say
by Jim Rendon and AnnaMaria Andriotis
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
provided by

Updated and adapted from the book 1,001 Things They Won't Tell You: An Insider's Guide to Spending, Saving, and Living Wisely, by Jonathan Dahl and the editors of SmartMoney.

1. 'Good Luck Getting an Appointment'

Patients feeling a cold creeping up shouldn't wait too long to call their primary-care physician since there's probably already a long line of patients waiting to see him or her.

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A good primary-care doctor -- someone to coordinate your health care, help choose your specialists, and be the first to diagnose just about any problem -- is the key to good medical treatment. But they're getting harder to visit. Twenty-three percent of patients say they waited six or more days to see their physician the last time they were sick and needed to see a doctor, according to a 2008 survey by the Commonwealth Fund, a private foundation that promotes high-performing health-care systems. The longer wait in part is attributed to the slow-growing profession of primary-care physicians, which includes family medicine, general practice and internal medicine doctors. Currently, just a third of all doctors in the U.S., are primary care physicians, about 240,713 in total, up from 200,862 five years ago. "We're not really getting the best and brightest in primary care," says Kevin Pho, a Nashua, N.H., physician who writes the blog Kevin M.D. "And that's where they're needed."

2. 'I'm the Pauper of My Profession'

One big reason fewer medical students are specializing in primary care is simple economics. In 2009 primary-care doctors -- specifically those practicing family medicine and internal medicine -- earned an average of $201,548, according to Cejka Search, a physician and health-care executive search firm.

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That might sound like a lot to most working people, but in the same year, dermatologists made $350,627, gynecological oncologists made $460,000 and doctors practicing neurological surgery made $548,186. "Students are not dummies," says Pho. "They graduate with $130,000 in debt; why should they go into primary care?"

When a primary-care doctor examines a patient with private health insurance, the doctor will get a payment on a scale that's similar to Medicare reimbursements, says Dr. Martin Shapiro, a professor of medicine and public health at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. It's even lower when they see Medicaid patients. "Reimbursement is a lot lower for primary-care physicians given the amount of time that a visit will take relative to the amount of time needed to do a procedure [for specialists]," he says. Reimbursements put a premium on volume, not on spending time with patients, he says.

3. 'You Asked to See a Doctor but You'll Likely See an Assistant'

These days it seems like a visit to the doctor involves little contact with an actual doctor. Instead, most of the time is spent explaining problems to assistants and having blood drawn by nurses. Many doctors have been beefing up their support staff -- physician assistants and nurse practitioners -- to help them squeeze in more patients, says Dr. Shapiro. "They need support staff; the primary-care doctor is dealing with patients all the time and they have to deal with emotional problems, their families' responses and doctors have to try to motivate patients to not get sick," he says.

While this system isn't inherently bad, it can have negative impacts for patients. Assistants may have a different philosophy from the doctor, leading them to treat problems differently. Communication can break down, causing confusion about medications, and a misdiagnosis by an assistant is always possible.

4. 'I Hawk for Big Pharma in My Spare Time'

Your physician relies on his best judgment when deciding what drugs to prescribe. And influencing that judgment is big business. IMS Health, a research and consulting services company for the health-care industry, found that the pharmaceutical industry spent $6.8 billion in 2008 targeting doctors with ads and sales representatives. "The introduction to pharmaceutical representatives starts as early as medical school, and it never really stops," says Pho.

The real amount is certainly much higher, since these figures include only journal advertising and salaries of sales reps, not their expenses. Drug reps give away pens, hats, and shirts, and buy office staff lunch, all in hopes of nabbing time with the doctor. Drug companies know doctors are more likely to take their cues from other doctors, so they sponsor weekend seminars at expensive resorts featuring presentations by physicians, says Pho. Drug companies pay these docs to give informative talks about medical conditions--for which the company's drug gets pitched as the best remedy.

5. 'Sore Throat? You Might Be Better Off Going to the Mall'

Walk-in clinics are springing up across the country. Currently, there are about 1,200, up from 850 in 2008 and 250 in 2007, according to the Convenient Care Association, a trade association for retail-based convenient care clinics.

They're run by hospitals, retailers like CVS and Walgreen, community health centers, or nursing schools who diagnose simple maladies, like strep throat or flu, and provide prescriptions, medical advice, or referrals if the problem is beyond their scope. These clinics have caught on in part because they don't require an appointment and tend to be less expensive than visiting the doctor or an emergency room visit. Some take insurance.

When visiting one, says Dr. Lori Helm, president of the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), ask to have your records forwarded to your doctor, and be sure to tell him about any medication prescribed at the clinic. She says the organization doesn't recommend walk-in clinics for treatment of chronic medical problems.

6. 'I Hate Technology'

It's almost impossible to imagine anyone doing his job these days without a computer -- except your doctor. Although billing and other systems may be computerized, when it comes to medical records, some family physicians still prefer pen and paper. A 2009 AAFP survey found that just 53% of family physicians have adopted electronic medical records. New electronic medical-record systems can print out clear prescriptions that are cross-referenced with medical databases to avoid incorrect dosages or dangerous drug combinations; hospitals can access patient histories in case of emergency; and care can be better tracked over time.

For most patients the benefits of the technology are huge. It eliminates prescription errors due to illegible handwriting. It ensures that patients get the right dosage. Records won't get lost. It reminds doctors when they need to monitor their patients. And specialists can easily forward electronic records to your primary-care physician.

7. 'Your Insurance Company Is Calling the Shots'

These days, doctors have more freedom to send you to a specialist or order expensive tests than they once did under managed care. But that doesn't mean the system is mended. For starters, your insurance provider's pool of doctors may lack the subspecialist you need to see, says Helm. And with increased deductibles, it's often the patient who foots the bill for a referral or an expensive test.

Insurers also still wield the power when it comes to hospital stays, says Jerome Epplin, a geriatrician and clinical professor at the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine; he has recommended that a patient spend four days in the hospital only to have the insurance company overrule him, refusing to pay for the last day and sticking the patient with the bill. "We are powerless over it," Epplin says. Industry trade groups respond that patients have some recourse. "In most states, patients can appeal to an outside third party – generally it's a panel of physicians and the doctor always has the ability to talk to health plans," says Susan Pisano, a spokeswoman for the trade organization, America's Health Insurance Plans.

8. 'My Legal History Is None of Your Business'

Today's insurance plans give patients a wider range of doctors to choose from, but they don't necessarily give patients any more information to help them decide between doctors. To start, patients should call a doctor's office to find out what his or her specializations are, and if there's a certain age range of patients they primarily focus on.

Patients who want to dig around a bit more -- especially when it comes to a doctor's legal past like lawsuits -- can try the National Practitioner Data Bank, which state medical boards and hospitals use to do background checks; it includes information on disciplinary actions and malpractice payments.

In most cases, to find out if your doctor has been sued, you'll have to go down to the local courthouse, but if your doctor has moved around, you'll get only part of the picture. The best publicly available information is tracked by state medical boards, many of which publish this information on their web pages. If yours doesn't, you can pay a nominal fee for a report from, a site run by the Federation of State Medical Boards.

9. 'If You're Over 65, I Don't Think I Can Help ...'

As troubling as things are in primary care, the situation is worse when it comes to treating elderly patients, especially those on Medicare. Doctors who specialize in geriatrics are certified by the American Board of either Family or Internal Medicine, and they're increasingly rare. Right now there is just one geriatrician in the U.S. for every 5,000 seniors, about half of what there should be, according to the American Geriatrics Society.

The problem is that fewer medical students are choosing this subspecialty: Last year only two-thirds of geriatric fellowship programs were filled. That's because treating older patients who have multiple, often complex problems is about the worst way a doctor can make a living. Medicare doesn't compensate much more for a 45-minute appointment with a patient with dementia, hearing loss and a half-dozen other maladies than it does for seeing someone for a simple checkup. "It is fiscal suicide to go out there and say, 'I am a geriatrician,'" says Dr. Bruce Robinson, who practices geriatric medicine and internal medicine in Sarasota, Fla. "You get the patients that require the most time that pay the worst."

10. '... Unless, of Course, You're Willing to Pay Extra'

Unfortunately, the shortage of geriatricians is worsening. As med students shy away from geriatrics, the number of people over 65 is set to grow faster than ever as boomers retire. The American Geriatrics Society estimates that by 2030, there will be a shortage of about 36,000 geriatricians in the U.S., up from 7,000 today.

Though the situation seems dire, there are ways to guarantee qualified care. One approach is to see a good primary-care doctor who is also a geriatrician long before you need one. Epplin says that in southern Illinois, not many doctors accept new Medicare patients, but when their existing patients go on Medicare, they keep them. Other approaches can be costly. In Sarasota, where Robinson practices, many doctors provide "concierge" service: Patients pay an annual retainer of about $6,000 in exchange for their doctor's cell number and upgraded access. Other physicians in Florida have begun asking patients to pay an annual administrative fee of about $200 or $300 to help them continue to provide individualized care. These pricey options aren't what most people have in mind when they think of health-care reform, but they may be the only way to maintain ready access to a good doctor

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Top 10 Toxic Products You Don’t Need user

The Top 10 Toxic Products You Don’t Need user
by, on Fri Feb 12, 2010 3:46pm PST 104

Comments Post a Comment Read More from This Author » Report Abuse It's become so common in our culture to assume we need things - a lot of things.

Over-consumption is not only a strain on our bank accounts and environment, it can also be harmful to our health. Whether there's a warning label or not (usually not), many of the things we buy have associated health risks.

Here are ten toxic products, in no particular order, that you don't need. And, once you read about them, you probably won't want them either. Be aware that different homes may have different products that are more toxic than these. This is just a basic list of some of the most commonly purchased products that are almost entirely unnecessary, but pose significant risks.

1. Air fresheners: Most air fresheners mask odors with a synthetic fragrance or numb your sense of smell with chemical anesthetics. But, they do nothing to eliminate the source of the odor. Also, aerosol air fresheners spew out tiny droplets of chemicals that are easily inhaled into the lungs. Instead, ventilate well and choose natural deodorizers, such as zeolite or baking soda, which contain minerals that absorb odors. How to Freshen Indoor Air Naturally includes recipes for other homemade remedies. Plants are also helpful for purifying your indoor air.

2. Drain, oven and toilet bowl cleaners: Yes, three products instead of one, but they all fit under the category of cleaners - and these are the three nastiest. Corrosive or caustic cleaners, such as the lye and acids found in drain cleaners, oven cleaners and acid-based toilet bowl cleaners, are the most dangerous cleaning products because they burn skin, eyes and internal tissue easily.

* To clean extra-greasy ovens, mix together 1 cup baking soda and 1/4 cup of washing soda, then add enough water to make a paste; apply the paste to oven surfaces and let soak overnight. The next morning, lift off soda mixture and grime; and rinse surfaces well.
* Prevent clogged drains by using hair and food traps.
* To de-grease and sweeten sink and tub drains, pour 1/2 cup of baking soda down drain followed by 1 cup vinegar; let bubble for 15 minutes; rinse with hot water. You might have to repeat the whole procedure more than once. This same mixture can be used prior to scrubbing your toilet bowl to deodorize and scour away grime.

3. Canned food: It's probably shocking to find a food item on a toxic product list, but it's no mistake. Food cans are lined with an epoxy resin that contains bisphenol-A (BPA). Most experts believe this is our main source of exposure to BPA, which has been linked to hormone disruption, obesity, heart disease, and much more. Eden Foods is currently the only company with BPA-free canned foods (other than the canned tomatoes, which they haven't found an adequate substitute for given the acidity of the tomatoes). Opt for fresh, frozen, dried or jarred foods.

4. Pesticides: This is a huge category of products, but they deserve inclusion in their entirety because of how extremely toxic they are. They're made to be. That's how they kill things. But, solving your pest problem may leave you with another problem - residual poisons that linger on surfaces, contaminate air, and get tracked onto carpet from the bottom of shoes. There are so many non-toxic ways to eliminate pests and weeds - next time you need to get on the offense, check out the recommendations at Beyond Pesticides.

5. Dry-cleaning: Okay, it's a service and not a product per se, but the chemical used to do it, perchloroethylene, has been linked to cancer as well as nervous system, kidney, liver and reproductive disorders. Even bringing dry-cleaned clothes home is risky. EPA studies have found that people who reported visiting a dry-cleaning shop showed twice as much perc in their breath, on average, as other people. EPA also found that levels of perc remained elevated in a home for as long as one week after placing newly dry-cleaned clothes in a closet. A Consumers Union study found that people who wear freshly dry-cleaned clothes, like a jacket and shirt, every week over a 40-year period, could inhale enough perc "to measurably increase their risk of cancer" - by as much as 150 times what is considered "negligible risk." Try wet-cleaning, CO2 technology, or even hand-washing.

6. Bottled water: Most people buy bottled water thinking they're avoiding any contaminants that may be present in their tap water. For the most part, they're wrong. Bottled water can be just as, or even more, contaminated than tap water. In fact, some bottled water IS tap water - just packaged (in plastic that can leach chemicals into the water) and over-priced. Also, from manufacture to disposal, bottled water creates an enormous amount of pollution - making our water even less drinkable. Do yourself and the world a favor and invest in a reusable stainless steel water bottle and a water filter.

7. Rubber duckies: How does such a cute toy end up on a toxic product list? When it's made from PVC - the poison plastic. Banned in over 14 countries and the European Union, PVC, also known as vinyl, is still legally sold by U.S. retailers although it threatens environmental and consumer health at every stage of its product life cycle, according to the Center for Health, Environment, and Justice (CHEJ). When it's in your home, PVC can leach phthalates (linked to hormone disruption) and lead (a potent neurotoxicant) - contaminating air, dust, and eventually you. Go PVC-free by reading packages and avoiding the #3 in the chasing arrows symbol (usually found on the bottom of a product). If a plastic is not labeled, call the manufacturer. Learn more.

8. Couch cushions: No, you needn't get rid of all your cushions and consign yourself to a future of discomfort. Just avoid cushions, pillows, and anything with foam labeled as meeting California TB 117, as it is likely to contain toxic fire retardants. These chemicals migrate from the foam to dust to people. In animal research, these chemicals are associated with cancer, birth defects, thyroid disruption, reproductive and neurological disorders such as hyperactivity and mental retardation. Don't worry about increasing your fire risk, data does not show that this standard has resulted in increased fire safety. Look for foam and cushions made with polyester, down, wool, or cotton as they are unlikely to contain toxic fire retardants.

9. Perfume and cologne: Colognes and perfumes may make us more attractive. But mixed in with the colors and scents are a wide variety of unattractive chemicals. Perfumes and fragrances can consist of hundreds of chemicals. Testing of Calvin Klein's Eternity by an independent lab, commissioned by Environmental Health Network (EHN), revealed that the perfume contained over 800 compounds. Among the chemicals of concern is diethyl phthalate (DEP) that is absorbed through the skin and can accumulate in human fat tissue. Phthalates are suspected carcinogens and hormone disruptors that are increasingly being linked to reproductive disorders.

It's not so simple to avoid phthalates by switching products because they are rarely listed on product ingredient labels. Phthalates are claimed as a part of trade secret formulas, and are exempt from federal labeling requirements. Find out if products you currently use contain phthalates and find safer ones on Environmental Working Group's Skin Deep Searchable Product Guide website.

10. Oil-based paints and finishes: There are 300 toxic chemicals and 150 carcinogens potentially present in oil-based paint, according to a John Hopkins University study. Still interested in coating your walls and furniture with this gunk? I hope not. Look for water-based options - ideally those that are low- or no-VOC. You could also explore natural finishes like milk paint and vegetable or wax based wood finishes.

Healthy Child Healthy World is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit inspiring parents to protect young children from harmful chemicals. Learn more at

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Insider Secrets to Get Your Resume Read

Insider Secrets to Get Your Resume Read
by Maria Hanson,

Buzz up! Print
It's becoming harder than ever to get your resume read by a real person.
"HR people are drowning in resumes, and despite their best intentions, many can't keep up," says executive recruiter Mike Travis.

Help your resume win the attention it deserves by following these up-to-date tips from industry insiders.

* "Keep it shorter, tighter, and more laser-focused," advises resume expert Louise Kursmark. "Resumes are by necessity becoming crisper and more to the point." With Twitter, texting, and a barrage of quick-hit multimedia messages, we're getting accustomed to the succinct. "Readers quickly lose interest in wordy resumes that don't get right to the point," she says. This goes for cover letters, too.

* "Show some humor or personality," says Jennifer Turner, of Talagy recruiting and staffing company. "I recently called a candidate, even though he didn't match any current positions, because his online resume title was, 'Smart and Funny Sales Guy.'"

* "Make your resume read like a news story, not an encyclopedia entry," suggests Sam Levine, of The Buttonwood Group. Pop an eye-catching headline and lead on the top and be sure to include a summary of qualifications.

* "Be results-oriented," advises Erin Riley, assistant director of career services at the Chapman University School of Law. Whenever possible, quantify your accomplishments. Example: Instead of simply writing "Drafted OSHA appeal," she says, include results: "Drafted OSHA appeal resulting in 90% reduction of employer fine for employee's serious on-the-job injury."

* "Show what sets you apart," says Nancy Keene, a director of Stanton Chase global executive search firm. "I like to see some indication of personal interests. It's a good conversation trigger and provides some additional insight into who the person is."

Riley agrees. "It's an opportunity to make yourself memorable as an applicant," she says. While an actual Personal Interest section is not usually advised, you can find ways to integrate your interests into your resume. For example, you could list your volunteer activities to give hiring managers some sense of your passions.

* "Use appropriate keywords," suggests Kursmark. Since machines are increasingly reading your resume before people are, give the tracking systems what they're looking for: the most significant keywords from the job description that fit your qualifications -- anything from degrees to programming languages and other specialized job-related skills.

* "Let others sing your praises," says Richard Deems, co-author of "Make Job Loss Work for You." "We add a section at the end we title, 'What Others Say.' Then we list five short statements, usually without attribution, that others have said about the person." Examples: "Sticks with it until the job gets done," or "The most creative, prolific employee I've ever had."

* "If your name is difficult to pronounce, include your nickname," says Heather R. Huhman, president of Come Recommended. Like it or not, "Companies are more likely to call you for an interview if you provide a name they can easily pronounce," she says.

Diary of a Snow, Shoveler in Canada

Inquiring minds want to know 1 thing: W-w-what d-d-did A-A-Al G-G-Gore s-s-say a-a-about g-g-global w-w-warming a-a-and c-c-climate c-c-change?

Diary of a Snow, Shoveler in Canada

December 8 - 6:00 PM
It started to snow. The first snow of the season & the wife & I took our cocktails & sat for hours by the window watching the huge soft flakes drift down from Heaven.
It looked like a Grandma Moses Print. So romantic we felt like newlyweds, again. I love snow!

December 9
We woke to a beautiful blanket of crystal white snow covering every inch of the landscape. What a fantastic sight! Can there be a lovelier place in the whole world? Moving here was the best idea I've ever had! I shoveled for the first time in years & felt like a boy, again. I did our driveway & the sidewalks. This afternoon the plow covered the sidewalks & closed in the driveway. So I got to shovel again. What a perfect life!

December 12
The sun has melted all our lovely snow. Such a disappointment! My neighbor tells me not to worry- we'll definitely have a white Christmas. No snow on Christmas would be awful! Bob says we'll have so much snow by the end of winter, that I'll never want to see snow again. I don't think that's possible. Bob is such a nice man, I'm glad he's our neighbor.

December 14
Snow, lovely snow! 8 - inches, last- night. The temperature dropped to -20. The cold makes everything sparkle so. The wind took my breath away, but I warmed up by shoveling the driveway & sidewalks. This is the life! The snowplow came back this afternoon & buried everything again. I didn't realize I'd have to do quite this much shoveling, but I'll certainly get back in shape this way. I wish l wouldn't huff and puff so.

December 15
20 inches forecast. Sold my van & bought a 4 x 4. Got snow tires for wife's car & 2 extra shovels. Stocked the freezer. The wife wants a wood stove in case the electricity goes out. That's silly. We aren't in Alaska, after all.

December 16
Ice storm this morning. Fell on my ass on the ice in the driveway putting down salt.
Hurt like hell. The wife laughed for an hour. It was very cruel.

December 17
Still way below freezing. Roads are too icy to go anywhere. Electricity was off 5 hours. I had to pile the blankets on. Nothing to do, but stare at the wife & try not to irritate her. Guess I should've bought a wood stove, but won't admit it to her. I hate it when she's right. I can't believe I'm freezing to death in my own living room.

December 20
Electricity's back on, but had 14 more inches of the damn stuff last night. More shoveling! Took all day.
The damn snowplow came by 2x. Tried to find a neighbor kid to shovel, but they said they're too busy playing hockey. They're lying. Called only hardware store around to see about buying a snow blower and they're out. May have another shipment in March. They're lying. Bob says I must shovel or city will & bill me. He's lying.

December 22
Bob was right about a white Christmas because 13 more inches of the white shit fell today. It's so cold, it won't melt till August. Took me 45 minutes to get all dressed up to go out to shovel & then I had to pee.
By the time I got undressed, peed & dressed again. I was too tired to shovel.
Tried to hire Bob & his plow on his truck for the rest of the winter, but he says he's too busy. The jerk’s lying.
December 23
Only 2 inches today. It warmed up to 0. The wife wanted me to decorate front of the house this morning.
What is she, nuts?!! Why didn't she tell me a month ago? She says she did. She's lying.

December 24
6 inches - Snow packed so hard by snowplow, l broke the shovel. Thought I was having an h. attack.
If I ever catch the son of a bitch who drives that snow plow, I'll drag him through the snow & beat him to death with my broken shovel. I know he hides around the corner, waits for me to finish shoveling, comes down the street at 100 mph & throws snow all over where I've just been! Tonight the wife wanted me to sing Christmas carols with her & open presents, but I was too busy watching for the damn, plow.

December 25
Merry freaking Christmas! 20 more inches of the damn, slop, tonight -Snowed in. The idea of shoveling makes my blood boil. God, I hate the snow! Then the snowplow driver came by asking for a donation & I hit him over the head with my shovel. The wife says I have a bad attitude. She's an idiot.
If I have to watch "It's A Wonderful Life" one more time, I'm going to stuff her in the microwave.

December 26
Still snowed in. Why the hell did I ever move here? It was all HER idea. She's really getting on my nerves.

December 27
Temperature dropped to -30 & pipes froze; plumber came after waiting 14 hours. He only charged $1,400 to replace all my pipes.

December 28
Warmed up to above -20. Still snowed in. The WITCH is driving me crazy!!!

December 29
10 more inches. Bob said shovel the roof or it’ll cave. Silliest thing I ever heard. How dumb does he think I am?

December 30
Roof caved in. I beat up the plow, driver, & now he’s suing me for a million, for the beating & trying to shove the broken snow shovel up his rear. The wife went home to her mother. Nine more inches predicted.

December 31
I set fire to what's left of the house. No more shoveling.

January 8
Feel so good. I just love those little white pills they keep giving me. Why am I tied to the bed?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Herbal Teas

The Healing Power of Herbal Tea

By Dr. Maoshing Ni
Dr. Mao's Secrets of Longevity
by Dr. Maoshing Ni a Yahoo! Health Expert for Cholesterol

Visit Cholesterol Home »

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Tea goes back to China almost 5,000 years ago. Herbal teas were specially blended from plants that exhibited medicinal properties to maintain health and prevent illness. Find out what makes tea so beneficial and how you can craft your own custom blend to stay healthy!

What is tea?

Technically, tea is the dried and processed leaves of Camellia sinensis, and includes four main varieties: black, oolong, green, and white tea. Black tea, produced when tea leaves undergo an oxidizing process that turns the leaves black, has the strongest flavor and the highest content of caffeine—about one third the caffeine you would get from the same cup of coffee. Oolong tea is slightly less oxidized and has less caffeine. Green tea is steamed, rolled and dried immediately after harvest, which halts the oxidation process, allowing the leaves to retain their green color. White tea undergoes the least processing—the young tea buds are picked and then air-dried. All of these varieties have different health benefits, with green tea and white tea leading the pack. Green tea from Camellia sinensis

Experts believe that flavonoids are the key health-promoting ingredient in tea. These polyphenol antioxidants are present in many foods and plants, including tea leaves, and have been found to help prevent cell damage. Recent research suggests that tea may protect against heart disease and many types of cancer.
What about herbal tea?

Well, herbal tea is not really tea at all, but actually an infusion or tisane made from various leaves, flowers, fruit, or herbs. Herbal tea is sometimes enjoyed for its delicious taste and many times enjoyed for its medicinal properties.

Lemon Verbena herbal tea

While real "tea" boasts many healthy benefits, a major pro to herbal tea is that it is caffeine-free. Also, you can tailor your tea to your needs by selecting herbs and plants that address the health issue you want to target.
The list of tea recipes that follow are just a few combinations to help you heal.

1. Warming tea for cold hands and feet
For a warming tea from head to toe, make cinnamon and clove tea by putting 2 cinnamon sticks and 1 teaspoon of cloves in 3 cups of water and boil for 15 minutes. Strain and drink 3 cups each day. Drink one cup in the evenings to warm your insides, which encourages a good night's sleep.

Specially blended Winter Tea makes use of herbs that expel cold while warming and tonifying your kidneys.

2. Pore-opening tea for combating a cold
This is a traditional Chinese remedy for a "wind cold", which usually occurs during seasonal changes and is often a result of exposure to drafts. At this early stage, Chinese medicine suggests that perspiration is helpful in removing the pathogens from the skin.

Boil one chopped garlic clove, three slices of ginger, one chopped scallion, some basil, and a pinch of cinnamon in 24 ounces of water for five minutes. Drink the tea hot and go to bed. Cover up and prepare to sweat. Sweating opens the pores, releasing trapped pathogens from the skin. Drink at least 3 cups of tea daily until symptoms subside.

For "wind heat" type of cold, which is characterized by high fever, sweating, sore throat, cough, headaches, and a yellow nasal discharge, you would see a Chinese medical practitioner for an herbal blend that is individualized for your needs.

3. Alertness-Enhancing Tea

The next time you need to spice up your concentration, instead of reaching for harsh stimulants like coffee, try the potent yet gentle energizers in your spice rack. Studies have found that compounds in everyday herbs and spices can increase mental function and physical vitality. All these herbs and spices contain volatile oils that stimulate your senses and increase alertness: dill, oregano, cilantro, rosemary, sage, bay, peppermint, ginger, garlic, parsley, cinnamon, onion, chives, garlic and leek. Make a tea from any combination and drink whenever you need a pick-me-up.

4. Herbal Hearing Aid Tea

The traditional Chinese remedy for diminished hearing is to make a tea from herbs that gently restore the ear. Make a hearing aid tea by boiling together for 15 minutes: 4 cups of water, 1 heaping tablespoon each of oregano, cilantro, rosemary, and sage, combined with 1 tablespoon of cinnamon and 3 slices of fresh ginger. Drink three cups a day for three weeks and hear the difference.

5. Stomach-Settling Tea
Ginger has been shown to soothe the digestive lining and balance gastric juices. Make ginger tea by slicing fresh ginger root into 2 inch long slices and boiling in 1cup of water for 5 minutes. Strain out the ginger and sip the tea slowly. Drink ginger tea as often as you need to settle your stomach and keep nausea away.
Or steep 1 teaspoon each of mint, rosemary, oregano, cilantro, sage, and basil in a cup of hot water. Drink after each meal to soothe and prevent bloating.

Among my patients, a very popular herbal tea is Internal Cleanse Tea, which is specially combined to detoxify, calm nerves, clear the mind, balance emotions, and ease digestion.

Internal Cleanse herbal blend for detoxifying

Try the whole Tao Tea collection, specially blended to bring you balance in mind, body, and spirit.

Brewing Tips

Follow these tips for best benefits:

•Tap water affects the taste of tea. It is best to use fresh filtered water. To learn about a high-performance filtration system that I recommend, click here.

•To extract the most beneficial compounds from the tea leaves or bags, let them steep for three to five minutes.

•It is best to drink tea unsweetened and without milk, which can minimize some of the health benefits. Forgo the sugar and try instead honey, stevia products, or a stick of cinnamon.

•For maximum health benefits, I suggest you work with a licensed acupuncturist or traditional Chinese medicine practitioner to find an herbal blend tailored specifically to your needs.

I hope you reap the powerful healing benefits of tea! I invite you to visit often and share your own personal health and longevity tips with me.
May you stay healthy, live long, and live happy!
-Dr. Mao

This blog is meant to educate, but it should not be used as a substitute for personal medical advice. The reader should consult his or her physician or clinician for specific information concerning specific medical conditions. While all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that all information presented is accurate, as research and development in the medical field is ongoing, it is possible that new findings may supersede some data presented.
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Transform your health and bring quality to your years with Dr. Mao's natural health products from the Tao of Wellness.

Discover a high-quality water filtration system that will provide you with pure, healthy water.

Order Dr. Mao's new book Second Spring: Hundreds of Natural Secrets for Women to Revitalize and Regenerate at Any Age.

Learn hundreds of ways for living a long and happy life with Dr. Mao's book Secrets of Longevity.

Find out amazing ways you can naturally increase your energy and heal common ailments in Secrets of Self-Healing, Dr. Mao's landmark book on natural healing.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Holistic Medicine: Fact or Fiction BY Mitch Asinoff

2/9/10 Holistic Medicine: Fact or Fiction? by M. Asinoff

People are very health conscious today. They are joining gyms and learning how Holistic Medicine can help prevent and cure ailments such as Arthritis and breast cancer by helping your body heal it-self. It treats the cause, thereby eliminating the symptoms. Thirty years ago cholesterol's negative effects were unknown. Whereas today our deep concerns created a very lucrative market for many human and pet foods claiming to be healthy, all natural, light, diet, low/no fat, Salt and Cholesterol. You can’t enter a supermarket or restaurant without seeing those words. Health food store chains are opening everywhere and cashing-in-on-the-multi-billion-dollar-business. Fast food is joining the “party too.” Pharmacies are cashing in on it by selling vitamins and Holistic remedies. Iced tea and bottled water are-a huge and rapidly growing part of the soft drink market because they provide a natural, healthy alternative to soda and fruit drinks. Europeans have used Holistic medicine for centuries. And it is quickly catching on in the U.S. because it incorporates many therapies: Acupuncture, Herb logy, Homeopathy, iridology, mediation, nutrition, prayer, Reflexology, etc. A few insurance companies are recognizing alternative therapies because it often cost so little, especially compared to medications, which often have negative side-effects and a Generic, which may not even be real medicine.

"In 1992, congress mandated creation of the Office of Alternative Medicine (OAM). The purpose as outlined in the Senate Bill, is 'to facilitate the evaluation of alternative medical treatment modalities' to determine their effectiveness and to help integrate them into the mainstream. An 18 member advisory council, comprising representatives from academic and alternative medicine guide it. It performs two roles in furthering research on alternative medicine: 1) Log and maintain ongoing interest in the many alternative medicine research projects funded by the National Institute of Health (NIH). Currently, 17 Public Health Service (PHS) agencies spend over $13 million on it. The National Institute of Drug Abuse and the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute spend more researching alternative therapies than other health institutes; 2) Fund research…: to date, it funded 42 pilot studies, at about $30,000 each... As a partial result of this Bill, the National Library of Medicine (NLM) now has over 60,000 citations on alternative medicine.

"The large interest in it stems from a few sources. There are many articles, books, patient reports, etc., on mainstream and alternative medicine. Unfortunately, much of it suggests widespread frustration over the ineffective treatment of many diseases. And the lack of advancement, despite billions and decades spent waging war on cancer. Many disorders such as breast cancer are reaching epidemic proportions in the U.S. and causing great fear with no clear understanding of why. Some people link it to magnetic fields caused by power lines, and electric blankets). Sadly, this has led to many American women having mastectomies as prevention/ treatment in the past few decades.

"Chemotherapy's side effects are more intolerable to a public increasingly focused upon natural, more effective treatments. There is growing public distrust and dissatisfaction with establishment medicine and related institutions. The FDA is seen as a barrier, not a protector. And the pharmaceutical industry as primarily focused on profits, hindering access to promising products even for dying patients. Despite commercial efforts to display a contrary image, natural products are usually ignored for expensive, high-tech drugs.

"Patients often feel helpless and ignored. Many cannot understand why cancer treatments in the U.S. do not include non-toxic, complementary, techniques to manage pain, reduce stress and alleviate symptoms like other countries.

"Unfortunately, the U.S. is still about two years behind most European nations in establishing government offices for complementary medicine. And in offering its therapies to aid mainstream cancer care.

"Meanwhile, many people complain about insensitive, limited and hurried doctor visits ... Understandably, in our fast-paced world time is money. But people dislike being rushed, especially when it comes to their health.

"Many physicians often fail to make provisions or warn patients about chemotherapy's side effects. In many cases the cure is worse than disease. The operation was a success. But the patient died! Above all else, doctors should not harm. Naturopaths seem more caring and take the Holistic approach of looking at the whole person v. the reductionism attitude of just treating the disease."

Salads are big business in fast-food restaurants. They sell bottled water as a healthy alternative to soda and shakes. Wendy’s is switching it’s cooking oil to a lower fat one and Kentucky Fried Chicken endured bad publicity over it’s high fat content. “Caribbean’s are starting to get diseases like obesity because American fast foods like KFC are there.” (Mavis) Stores such as Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, General Nutrition Centers and Vitamin Shoppe are cashing in on the multi Billion Dollar health food business because people want to be healthy.

"A popular Holistic remedy is the 38 Bach Remedies. Dr. Ed Bach invented them in Britain, in the 1930's, 50 years before any major research on stress related disorders. He developed them from trees, plants, herbs and wild flowers as a natural alternative to medications, which often mask problems. After extensive testing with special waters they can positively balance and alleviate many mental and emotional disorders.

"They are totally safe, use small doses/do not interfere with medications. Even overdoses are harmless because they contain the essence of flower in a small percentage of alcohol to prevent spoilage. They are listed in the U.S. Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia."

My brother Howard is a Naturopathic Dr. and said, "Many ailments we think are hereditary are environmental: we drink the same water/eat the same foods. If some people make modifications/take vitamins they may not need medication as much. But drug companies oppose natural things like vitamins because only man-made things can be patented.

"It's hard to believe but some people don’t want to cure diseases such as Cancer because it raises billions annually. I recently read an article that said only about 1/2 a cent of every dollar raised goes to finding a cure." They spend millions on public relations and administration. Some organizations such as Muscular Dystrophy even own their TV studios. In many cases it is unclear if they are non-profit.

The same goes for drug companies who make profits. Yet some were caught sending the real drug to the F.D.A. as a sample for the generic, but a fake one to pharmacies. For God's sake! This is people's health and lives they're playing with just to raise profits!

Drugs such as AZT for AIDS are still prescribed, despite its ineffectiveness because the manufacturers want to recoup the money spent developing it. There is a special place in hell for these people!

Fortunately, "over 24 medical schools and hospitals have developed programs or departments to study alternative therapies." "Harvard University's Beth Israel Hospital collected $2 million, partially from an OAM research grant... toward their center. It was inaugurated at a 1995 conference, Alternative Medicine: Implications for Clinical Practice...on March 30-April 1, 1995." "A second major Harvard conference was held in December, 1995. This one on prayer's healing power.

In fact, "today at least 27 medical schools in the U.S. offer courses on alternative medicine, including Georgetown, Columbia, Harvard, Maryland and Wayne State University." "Many others provide occasional lectures or ongoing informal programs."

Lately, "insurance companies offering plans that reimburse alternative practitioners stirred great public interest. The Alterna Path pilot offers access to Acupuncturists and Naturopaths. And was quickly fully- subscribed when first offered on a pilot basis."

Furthermore, "The American Western Life Insurance Company offers a 'wellness plan' that uses Naturopaths, V. conventional doctors, as gatekeepers. The plan emphasizes Holistic remedies as first-line treatment and only uses allopathic (traditional) medicine when necessary."

While "other insurers reimburse for specific alternative procedures such as acupuncture, in their- standard plans. Six states now require health insurers to cover acupuncture. It is a good example of a former alternative therapy that is now widely accepted in mainstream medicine for pain management/substance abuses."

"A further sign of alternative medicine's acceptance is physicians' behavior. Over 60% of doctors in one survey referred their patients to alternative practitioners with primary care physicians most likely to..."

Surprisingly, "a 1984 study found that 51% of them were medical doctors." Interestingly, "alternative medicine is extremely popular with the public...although better educated people use it most. A national telephone survey found that 34% of Americans visited alternative practitioners in 1990, spending $13.7 billion...and made more visits to alternative practitioners, (425 million) V. primary care physicians, (388)."

In addition, "a study in Poland found that 25% of all Cancer patients use alternatives..." In the metropolitan area there are many alternative physicians such as Dean Adell, Howard Magaziner and the late, Bob Atkins, director of THE ATKINS' CENTER FOR COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE, in Manhattan. They host call-in radio shows. Sometimes their guests say things such as sugar enhances schizophrenia and that if some people monitor their carbohydrates, and, or take prescribed doses of niacin, they may reduce, or avoid medication.

I have a friend who is a pharmacist and nutritionist. So I called him. He said, "Two tablespoons of Apple Cidar Vinegar combined with a few drops of a natural sweetener and water taken before carbs helps them pass through undigested. And studies have been done in Europe on the effects of Mega-doses of B-Complex and Amino Acids on brain chemistry. In fact, a psychiatrist had a son with bi-polar disorder who was not helped with medicine, but was cured with nutritional therapy. And went -on to become a very successful psychiatrist too." (Peter) “You must read labels on supplements as well as food because some are made by drug companies and include non digest able ingredients such as Carnauba wax. So you’ll think that vitamins don’t work and you need prescriptions.” (Brian)

Atkins used the British term complementary so as not to alienate medical doctors. He often said things such as, "I had to discard most of what I learned & start over with nutrition. I was getting a 10% success rate on heart patients with traditional medicine, v. 90% with complementary by using Co-Enzyme Q-10 (also good for cholesterol, dental & eye problems) & Beta-Carotene" (anti-oxidant=cell protector). Since graduating Cornell Medical College he wrote four books on Holistic therapies, practiced cardiology & published a monthly newsletter.

Dr. Ron Hoffman directs THE HOFFMAN CENTER FOR HOLISTIC MEDICINE, in N.J. He hosts "Health Talk": a call-in radio show on WOR, weeknights at 8:00, treats many disorders holistically and publishes a monthly newsletter.

Despite controversy, many psychiatrists prescribe the anti-depressant, Prozac, the "wonder" drug of the 90's. It's become so widely prescribed for kids they make a peppermint flavor. But they won't use sensory therapies: aroma, color & sound, or nutritional remedies: L- Tryptofane: by-product in Turkey, milk & bananas. It was outlawed, even though many people used it successfully. This forced many psychiatrists to prescribe Prozac as an alternative. A few years later it was replaced with a synthetic equivalent requiring a prescription.


There is a debate over allowing doctors to prescribe Marijuana for patients suffering from the unpleasant effects of chemotherapy. The federal government threatened to prosecute doctors prescribing it. The T.H.C. (active ingredient in it) pill does not work because it cannot be easily- regulated by patients, and those suffering nausea cannot swallow or hold them down. Yet President Clinton admitted that he smoked, but said he didn't inhale. Several high -ranking officials in the Clinton White House admitted to regular use during their employment and junkies get free methadone from hospitals. This is absurd! If it weren't so outrageous it would be laughable and ironic! We should be asking ourselves questions such as why? And what's wrong with this picture?!

"To bring structure to the wide and fast changing world of alternative therapies, the Office of Alternative Medicine groups them into seven categories: 1) diet and nutrition, 2) mind-body techniques, 3) bio-electric magnetism, 4) alternative systems of medical practice (or traditional and folk remedies), 5) pharmacological and biologic treatments, 6) manual healing methods and 7) herbal medicine."

A major part of Holistic Medicine is nutrition. Many women today take prenatal vitamins. Recent studies link various birth defects and cancer prevention to Folic Acid deficiencies. So Orange Growers advertise that juice is a great source.

Similarly, new advertisements allude to studies claiming Selenium and Vitamin E, which is also good for the brain, heart and Prostate Gland, have anti-cancer properties. "...scientists in the University of Alabama and the National Institute of Diabetics, Digestive and Kidney Diseases are investigating the potential anti-cancer properties of genistien: a substance in soybeans. It may explain why Asian women have lower rates of various cancers than American. It's probably the Soy Green Tea they drink." “Asian people don’t get cancer because they don’t eat –dairy until they come to the US and begin eating it.” (Alfredo)

Furthermore, "a recent article in the New England Journal of Medicine concluded that soy v. animal protein significantly lowers total cholesterol, low density lipoproteins (LDL), and triglycerides. Perhaps the lower fat intake associated with dietary soy products relates to decreased incidence of breast cancer, which may be elevated by fat intake."

However, a major cause of many health problems is ignorance. And "Americans negate intellectualism." (John) This stems from a few sources: 1) "I'm Filipino and America is the only one, of the many countries I lived in that has derogatory names for educated people. It began with book- worm, egg- head and nerd, now they say geek and dweeb. In Europe we have nicknames for educated people too: scholars! Americans glorify entertainers and athletes who are merely entertainers" (Bing); 2) Americans glorify criminals too: for years movies have been made about them. In the 1930's it was Bonnie and Clyde and Dillinger. Al Capone became so big they made two TV series, and a movie based in large part upon law enforcement’s efforts to capture him called "The Untouchables"; 3) "Another huge part of the problem is that it's easier to pop pills, or get surgery than bother eating right and exercising" (Pauline); and 4) "many people are unsatisfied without a prescription and pressure doctors for medication." (Howard) This is a major cause of the increasing amount of antibiotic resistant bacteria.

I interviewed my former dentist because he retired and began studying Holistic Medicine. He said, "Few people know that the intestines have about three pounds of bad and good bacteria which help digest food/stimulate the body's production of certain vitamins. Or, that- antibiotics temporarily kill off the good causing complications such as diarrhea. And few doctors tell people that acidophilus helps." (Nort) It is in plain yogurt and over-the-counter capsules. Or that "all the studies on nutrition can be very confusing. People assume they are objective, but should ask who funded it, eat whole, natural, foods like butter, milk and eggs in moderation because the body can't absorb nutrients from altered substabces like low fat dairy. People should also take some vitamins daily." (Howard) Although, "diet is very controversial, dairy is probably more harmful than good. We should eat vegetables, fish, and a lot of water, the- fresher, the- better." (Nort) Surprisingly, a well kept secret about foods claiming to be low or no fat is that the F.D.A. lets companies decide portion sizes. So products claiming to have less than 2% fat per serving often have much more because fat is measured in ridiculously small portions!

Similarly, the F.D.A. does not regulate bottled water either. If people knew this, they would compare the many different filters to find a quality one. But they do not want to be bothered. This stems attitude stems from a "disease." A major symptom is that "people today watch TV for about three seconds before changing the channel. If you don't get their attention by then chances are you never-will." (Eileen) Unfortunately, the "disease" is reaching epidemic proportions in the U.S. It also has a very unusual name: "The thinking dept.'s closed!!!" (Michael)

Hopefully people will change their attitudes and go to Naturopaths who use procedures such as Nutri Scan: a red blood cell is ruptured to analyze it for food/heavy metal aversions and vitamin/mineral deficiencies. In Brooklyn, LIBERTY lab does this and offers a free list of alternative doctors.

Many Naturopaths cure ailments such as migraine headaches and attention deficit disorder (cannot sit still long enough to learn). First they check lifestyle/diet for poor eating habits. Then they seek food aversions. They often prescribe herbal remedies. Unfortunately, some medical doctors often prescribe Ritalin for Attention Deficit Disorders, even though it may stunt growth.

Similarly, some people with clogged arteries have Angioplasty (a balloon) inserted in their arteries to reduce the blockage and a stent is implanted to keep them open. Others have open heart bypass surgery: mammary arteries are removed from your legs and attached to the clogged arteries to restore blood flow to the heart. Whereas, "Holistic doctors may use Chelation Therapy: a chemical is injected- into the bloodstream. This attracts/removes heavy metal deposits like plaque that build up in the arteries. And flushes- out the entire circulatory system. It is 50 times safer than the balloon, 300X safer than bypass surgery, and has been used since WW I to treat patients exposed to Mustard Gas." It is done via intravenously suppository and pills. In less severe cases they may prescribe various over-the-counter, nutritional remedies such as Lecithin, Vitamin E and Niacin to lower cholesterol.

Furthermore, for minor injuries "some Naturopaths use hydrotherapy: put hot water on an injury for 15 seconds, then repeat with cold. It makes blood vessels expand and contract like a pump and speeds up healing by increasing blood flow to the injured area." (Howard)

"For stress, herbal teas and certain vitamins and minerals can help. A daily dose of 100 milligrams of B-Complex (which also helps prevent heart attacks by blocking the enzyme that triggers them), 99 mg. of potassium and 800 mg. Magnesium (which must combined with Calcium and Zinc so the body can absorb it) are a natural relaxant and help lower blood pressure. This helps mellow you out and is especially good if you're emotional, excitable, or just stressed out." (Norton) “Breathing exercises cut stress too: inhale deeply through your nose, hold it a few seconds & slowly release via pursed, lips.” (Howard) Zinc lozenges are now sold in stores as a cold remedy “and are also good for hearing." (Peter) Zinc and Saw Palmetto can help shrink enlarged Prostate Glands. Combining zinc with Calcium and Magnesium may aid Osteoporosis. People should take garlic pills to cleanse the blood. But make sure you take coated ones like Kwai. Deodorized ones are useless because the nutrients are destroyed with the odor." (Peter) My friend and adopted uncle is a Chiropractor and nutritional councilor. He said, "You must also watch your sugar/carbohydrate intake (body breaks them down to same thing) because they use a lot of B-Vitamins is digestion." (Al)

Similarly, Glycosamine (mixed with various things help re-hydrate cartilage), various minerals, unflavored gelatin and refined Chicken cartilage give many Arthritis sufferers some relief by stimulating the body to re-grow it in the joints. A recent AMA study found it prevented deterioration. Sometimes they are combined with anti-inflammatory agents such as shark and bovine (cow) cartilages and Salmon Oil, (which is also good for the heart). Dairy aggravates Rumatoid Arthritis.
Cranberry juice helps prevent urinary tract infections by cleaning the plaque build-up off the walls.

However, a key element to good health is prevention. An ounce equals a pound of cure. "Oscillococcinum is most effective for treating colds/flu." (Nort) "To help avoid and treat colds and the flu, use Ecinatia and Golden Seal herbs and Vitamin C, which is multi-purpose.” (Peter) “Consuming Mushrooms and Green Tea daily can help prevent breast cancer." (Hoffman)

Holistic medicine may help diabetics too: "They should avoid artificial sweeteners because they are toxic to the central nervous system. Raw, uncooked honey should be used as a sweetener. If taken daily, Chromium Picolinate may help balance blood sugar and reduce the need for insulin." (Howard) "Stevia and Vanadium can be very effective too." (Norton)

"Sly vestry mind-body techniques such as prayer and meditation are part of Holistic medicine too." (Nort) "The notion that we can influence health with our minds resonates well in U.S. culture. It is extremely popular and moving into main stream medicine. Good documentation exists for the effectiveness of mediation, bio-meditation, biofeedback and yoga for stress reduction and to control particular physical reactions."

Bio-electric magnetic is a Holistic therapy too. "It's the study of living organisms and their interactions with electro-magnetic fields. It uses the low-frequency portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. Proponents claim the magnetic fields penetrate the body and heal damaged tissues, including cancers. Wolfgang Ludwig, Sc.D., Ph.D. and Director of The Institute of Biophysics in Horb, Germany, asserts that magnetic fields can cure many ailments..." "Magnets also stimulate circulation, thus accelerating healing and decreasing pain." (Nort) They are becoming available in department stores.

Likewise, "Herbal remedies are a typical part of traditional and folk healing processes too. They have a long history of use.... Although many claim anticancer effects, only a few are popular alternative therapies."

Unfortunately, "the FDA does not examine them for safety, or effectiveness, and few have been formally tested for side effects. Tragically, there were recent reports of severe liver and kidney damage from some...underscoring the fact that 'natural' products are not always harmless."

However, "herbs are usually better than drugs. Most are non-toxic and those that are have much less than toxin than drugs."(Nort) People must use caution and common sense with anything they take.

"Bovine cartilage is also being studied for anticancer properties. John Prudden, M.D., Ph.D. claims favorable results from a commercial product called Catrix: cartilage derived from cow trachea. In a 1985 issue of the Journal of Biological Response Modifiers, he reported response rates of 90% in 31 cancers treated with it." "It’s also useful for Arthritis and heart disease." (Nort)

On the other hand, "mainstream scientists think the molecules of active ingredients in the 'food supplement'... sold in health food stores are too large to be absorbed. They decompose into inert ingredients and are excreted." "Absorption is the main problem with supplements." (Nort)

"Most Cancer patients would be helped by supplements: Essine: a combination of anti-oxidants, cat claw, aloe, etc." (Nort) A somewhat unknown cancer therapy is "The Kelly treatment:" devised by a dentist in the early 1970's after he got Lymphoma. He assessed body fluids to correct nutritional deficiencies. Then he designed various diets for people with cancer based upon their needs: some lacked enzymes found in things such as meat and had to increase their intake.

"In most cases patients must ingest up to 150 various vitamin and mineral supplements and take at least one or two coffee enemas daily to expand the intestines so toxins can be flushed out of the body. He no longer practices, but his protégé, Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez has an office in Manhattan." He advises his patients to “buy a lofah sponge or a soft bristle brush with a long wooden handle and brush your dry skin in downward strokes starting from the neck at least once a day. This eliminates dead skin cells and stimulates the immune system.” He does this because “skin is the most neglected organ.” (Brian)

Unfortunately, considerable pressure from the Food and Drug Administration and the American Medical Association successfully discourage many doctors from practicing Holistic Medicine for fear of losing their license. My new dentist said, "I cannot practice it because once I start I can't do anything else, I can't even go back to regular dentistry. I can even lose my license if I do.

"A major contributing factor to the problem is that most doctors can't see beyond their training." (Pierce) All they were taught in medical school is drugs and surgery. If something was not proven conclusively in a double blind study they won't say that it works. But if asked if they are any double blind studies about the harmful side effects of combining medications they must say no. Many do not want to see beyond for various reasons such as being ostracized. Understandably many fear persecution from the government and the A.M.A. "Although there is more actual evidence for natural supplements since many have been used for centuries, way longer than longer than any man-made drugs." (Nort)

Doctors have the moral obligation to inform people of all their options. And allow people to make an informed decision about their treatment. They should not arbitrarily select and exclude information, nor decide right from wrong. Unfortunately, "I found from first-hand observations many Medical Doctors don't know much about complimentary options." (Nort)

In 1989 I was hurt in a car accident and went to a Chiropractor. My attorney said that since they are not members of the A.M.A. I must see an Orthopedic too. So I went. He asked me if I was seeing other doctors. I told him I see a Chiropractor. He went ballistic and asked why. I said because it eases my pain. Then he yelled of course it does. If he sent his wife she'd feel better too. If I would have asked him what is wrong with relieving my pain until the nature and extent of my injury are determined he would have continued to argue. This dogmatic, sanctimonious, "witch doctor", mentality forced clinics such as Hoxy to move to Mexico.

In the 1980's this one- dimensional/sanctimonious/witch dr. mindset led to the A.M.A.'s Supreme Court conviction of conspiring to put Chiropractors out of business! Now that some Chiropractors refer patients to Orthopedics putting money in their pockets the competition diminished a little. This reduces the adversarial aspect of their relationship.

Thank God and a father for refusing to get caught up in the politics of medicine, or put doctors on a pedestal. He refused to accept the prognosis that nothing could be done to prevent his son, Lorenzo from dying. He is a physicist who developed a cure and was awarded an honorary medical degree. A movie was made about him and his family. Nick Nolte played him and Susan Sarandon his wife. It was entitled "LORENZO'S OIL."

Similarly, millions worldwide suffer from Epilepsy. Some must wear helmets to protect their heads when they fall during a seizure. "Catnip, Boritanium and Magnesium are very helpful." (Nort) Unfortunately, physicians still treat it by experimenting with one or more known drugs, very often only making people suffer more. If unsuccessful they try one or more various unknown drugs. If still unsuccessful they may remove the top of the skull and put in a sensor to detect exactly where the seizures were emanating from. Once that is determined they remove that part of the brain in hopes of curing it. Sound horrifying? It should! There’s a better way: The–Ketogenic-Diet. It has at least improved many people's condition and cured many others. But most physicians instantly dismissed as unproven, experimental and antidotal. And insist on continuing chemotherapy, despite no success. It is very hard and expensive for someone who is lucky enough to learn about it to even get a bed in the clinic. Plus they often need a plane equipped for medical transport and a doctor to travel with them to the clinic.

The Ketogenic Diet first has the patient fast for two days because it cleanses the system of toxins and relaxes the body. Then they must follow it very strictly for at least two years. After that they can usually phase in a normal diet. And live a normal life without any seizures.

WABC broadcast a TV movie about it in February 1997. Meryl Streep starred in the drama. It was loosely based on actual events and entitled First Do No Harm. At the end, they showed people who were cured and lived normal lives after a few years on the diet. One lady completed the treatment 62 years ago!

Despite proof such as that many patients and doctors still don’t buy into Holistic Medicine for a few reasons: 1) fear of the unknown, it is very powerful. The weaker the person the greater it preys upon them; 2) a varying combination of dogmatism, egotistical and stubbornness. Many people cannot/will not see that life is a skyscraper: the foundation must be truth/ reality because it will never- vanish! If you start off on the wrong foot you end up the same way. They'll often argue endlessly and rarely admit they don't know everything, or are wrong. You have a better chance of winning Lotto than getting someone like them to be honest, open-minded and humble; 3) intellectually laziness, some people instantly discredit things they know little or nothing about because they feel it is too hard to learn. Others are ignorant and do not realize that despite having the technology to put a man on the Moon, we do still not know how many things such as Aspirin work.

Few people know that it comes from a plant and Penicillin from bread mold. Another dentist said, "Most drugs are a man-made version of what nature does with herbs." (Evan) They rarely read magazines or books such as Prevention and Choices in Healing, by Michael Lerner, or Spontaneous Healing, by Andrew Wile.

Nor do they realize that treating the cause is like plugging a leaky tire so you will not have to keep re-inflating it. And that not all Holistic remedies work on everyone anymore than prescription medicines. Some people also compound and compensate ignorance with arrogance when saying things such as they don't know anything about it. But don't believe in it; it doesn't work. Some do not believe it is real. If they use a remedy that does not work, they use that as a basis to discredit it, but would not if it were allopathic western medicine! This is partially because "when someone dies of an ailment that was not cured by Holistic it gets negative attention. You hear things such as it only has a 10% success rate. But you don't hear that there's 0% success rate with western medicine. Yet when someone dies because allopathic medicine was unsuccessful it's expected. "(Howard)

Are They Really Doctors: U.S. Holistic Schools

Most people do not know much about their training. Surprisingly, there are only two U.S. schools: the National College for Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon and John Bastyr University, in Seattle, Washington.

Unfortunately, "U.S. society has nurtured a mind-set of Medical Doctors being the highest authority on health, longevity and weight control. And a mind- set that the high scholastic standards of conventional medical school will produce good doctors. But that's false. The power/wealth of pharmaceutical companies and the A.M.A. will probably keep Holistic Medicine from prevailing, or at least delay it many years. Hopefully it'll expand by becoming more a part of Allopathic (traditional), with Allopathic becoming more willing to use complimentary approaches." (Nort)

Furthermore, they study as much, or more of the same subjects as many traditional medical schools: "In Basic Sciences: Including Anatomy, Cell Biology, Histology, Neurosciences, Immunology, Genetics, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy, Biostatics, Epidemiology, Public Health, History, Philosophy, Ethics, and Research, they study as follows: National College 804, John Baystr 771, John Hopkins 988, Mayo 882, Yale 673, Stanford 807 and Oregon Health Sciences University 802. Other Basic and Clinical Sciences Including: Physiology, Pathology, Clinical &d Physical Diagnosis and Laboratory Medicine-864, 864, 801, 418, 609, 640 and 937.

Only National College and Baystr have Core Naturopathic Therapeutics: Homeopathy, Botanical Medicine, Chinese Medicine, Hydrotherapy and Naturopathic Manipulative Therapy-492 and 334, respectively. Clinical-Nutrition-144, 138, 17, Elective–Only and 14. Psychology-144, 158, 114, 89, 67, 63, and 88. Other Coursework: First Aid, Emergency Medicine, Exercise Therapy, Sports Medicine, Practice Management and Jurisprudence-90, 80, 23, Elective Only, Elective Only, Elective Only, and 24. Only National College and Baystr have Required Class Electives-312, and 176 respectively.

Total Class Hours: 2850, 2521, 1943, 1389, 1349, 1510, 1865. Third and Fourth Year Clerkships, *including lecture and clinical instruction in: Dermatology, Family Medicine, Psychiatry, Radiology, Pediatrics, Obstetrics, Gynecology, Neurology, Surgery*, Ophthalmology and clinical electives-1974, 1959, 1446, 2840, 2040, 1920 & 2916. Total Class + Clinical: 4824, 4480, 3389, 4229, 3389, 3430 and 4781 (*Clerkships vary among schools. They’re estimated to be 40-hours a week of mixed lecture and clinical training. **Naturopaths study only minor surgery)."

Unfortunately, despite this extensive education, "Naturopaths are only licensed in Connecticut (the only state requiring malpractice insurance), California, Oregon, Hawaii and Washington and cannot write prescriptions for certain man made drugs. They can practice in Florida, but new licenses have not been issued for the past few years." (Howard)

Despite all the controversy surrounding Holistic Medicine, many people can and do extend their life and cure ailments. However they must have a positive attitude. A sound mind is vital to a sound body. "I believe that Holistic will eventually prevail because like everything else medicine is becoming increasingly geared for profit. H.M.Os- are- becoming common place and Holistic remedies are very cost effective." (Howard) Ultimately business will overrule egos as the competition between doctors, decreases because they are being forced to form their H.M.O. in order to stay in practice. Hospitals are increasingly become privately owned, for profit corporations. Surprisingly, in N.Y.C., Mayor Guiliani was very quietly trying to sell Coney Island Hospital to a private chain, even though the state legislature ruled it illegal. Unfortunately, there has been very little media coverage on the subject. I suspect that this is just the beginning.

A major health hazard is smoking. It’s endured a lot of bad publicity. Nicotine is one of the most addictive drugs. “If you smoke on certain medications you can get stroke.” (Peter) Yet a chemical company pleaded guilty to secretly genetically engineering tobacco plants to produce higher nicotine contents to “hook” more people.

That’s horrendous. Then I read an essay by William Styron, the 1968 Pulitzer Prize winner. He documents shocking information on the subject. It should be uploaded onto the-internet and required reading for all first grade students. Maybe if they learn early that smoking kills they won’t start. Maybe they will bring it home and scare some parents into quitting too.

I was stunned to learn that the "only thing more dangerous than smoking is a nuclear fallout." Then I read "the conclusion is inescapable and even spokesmen for the industry rarely seek to escape it: we are living in the midst of a major lung cancer epidemic. It hit men first and hardest, but women are affected too. And cannot be explained away by factors such- as improved- diagnosis. Plus there is little reason to believe that the worst is yet to come.

" based on an extensive study of smokers and nonsmokers among British Doctors, were the death rate from all causes was found to be doubled among heavy cigarette smokers in the group of men over 65, and quadrupled in the group 35-44.

"The death rates- among smokers are perhaps the least controversial of all the findings to date. Some may debate or try to diminish the numbers. But death is easily diagnosed.

"For those who want to quit, but think it is too late. Think again! A study by the American Cancer Society of microscopic lung tissue of ex-smokers show precancerous cells are dying, not flourishing V. reproducing -in smokers.

" regard to a carefully matched group composed in equal numbers of smokers, ex-smokers and nonsmokers 'Metaplastic cells with altered nuclei (i. e. precancerous cells) were found in 1.2% of the slides from the lungs of nonsmokers, V. 6% for ex-smokers. And - 93.2% - for - current - smokers.'"

The only thing more shocking than that is a commercial I saw on TV: cigarettes cause more premature deaths than AIDS, alcohol, cocaine, heroine, fire, car accidents and suicide combined.

I am appalled to think of how many people would still be alive if this were common knowledge! I’ll post on the internet so the world can see it. If even one person quits after reading this I will feel I did a good deed. I hope that every smoker who reads this quits.

The bottom line is we must take our health in our hands. And remember doctors' prognosis, are- not necessarily predictions. Doctors are human and sometimes make mistakes.

Questions about Holistic Medicine? E-mail Howard Asinoff, Naturopathic Doctor: & explore his web site:

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